Corpkit Legal Supplies | security protocol

security protocol

To protect our customer's identity, our web sites have been upgraded to use the latest security protocol, some older browsers may not be able to log into user accounts. This is due to the browser, not our websites.
Our websites are secured with GeoTrust Certificates, comply with PCI standards, and are compatible with the latest Firefox & Chrome browsers in XP, Vista, Windows 7 & 8. Internet Explorer 6 through 8 are not compatible, Internet Explorer 9 and up are compatible or may need a security setting. Some Apple Safari may not work at all. The following URL will test the local browser for compatibility, our new protocol is TLS 1.2, the test will verify if the version is 1.2.
The following are known to be secured browsers:




Internet Explorer:

Run this to check if you browser if secured:



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