Combo Plus

Combo Plus


VP Kit Combo Plus

New VP Combo Kit premier
Available Colors: Black or Burgundy.


An upgrade from our Corporate Combo package.
Our new combo VP premier gives you all the tools to make your own kit professionally. The new combo premier gives you a set of bylaws/operating agreements in PDF form for the state you have formed in, and a template to make and issue the stock/member certificates on demand with ease.
We will email you: Instructions, By-Laws or Operating Agreements. 10 PDF certificates template files. The State of incorporation will be embedded in the certificate PDF file. This line can not be changed. You have the ability to issue your certificate. Enter the name of organization, the share and par value amount and the class. Text clause area is designed for you to enter your own clause. Give it a try!

This combo includes:

  • Cover page.
  • Binder with matching slipcase (black or burgundy).
  • 10 blanks certificates (Standard single class or LLC Units).
  • A set of entity tabs for you to organize your documents. (Depending on the type of formation).
  • A sheet of gold paper. To be use on the spine of the binder).
  • Email template or CD files (depending on your choice).
  • No Shares or Par Value for Units Certificates. If you are listing number of units you can do that in the clause area.

    ** We will send you an email with the files or in CD format, not both **
Price Schedule
Quantity Price
100+ Items $60.50
75-99 Items $61.00
50-74 Items $61.50
25-49 Items $65.50
10-24Items $68.50
1-9 Items $69.95


Note: you must order at least 2 items
ThriftKit Combo Plus

New Thrift Kit Combo premier
Available Colors: Black or Burgundy.


An upgrade from our Corporate Combo package.
Our new combo Thriftkit premier gives you all the tools to make your own kit professionally. The new combo premier gives you a set of bylaws/operating agreements in PDF form for the state you have formed in, and a template to make and issue the stock/member certificates on demand with ease.
We will email you: Instructions, By-Laws or Operating Agreements. 10 PDF certificates template files. The State of incorporation will be embedded in the certificate PDF file. This line can not be changed. You have the ability to issue your certificate. Enter the name of organization, the share and par value amount and the class. Text clause area is designed for you to enter your own clause. Give it a try!

This combo includes:

  • Cover page.
  • Binder with matching slipcase (black or burgundy).
  • 10 blanks certificates (Standard single class or LLC Units).
  • A set of entity tabs for you to organize your documents. (Depending on the type of formation).
  • A sheet of gold paper. To be use on the spine of the binder).
  • Email template or CD files (depending on your choice).
  • No Shares or Par Value for Units Certificates. If you are listing number of units you can do that in the clause area.

    ** We will send you an email with the files or in CD format, not both **
Price Schedule
Quantity Price
100+ Items $39.25
75-99 Items $39.75
50-74 Items $40.25
25-49 Items $42.00
10-24 Items $43.50
1-9 Items $44.50


Note: you must order at least 2 items
Slim Line Combo Plus

New Slim Line Combo premier
Available Color: Black.

An upgrade from our Corporate Combo package. Our new and improved Slim Line Combo Premier corporate kit allows you to organize and protect all your important company information. This is a 1" Binder (angle D) with a fold over flap to safely secure your documents inside. It contains an inside pocket to hold important documents. The Combo Premier Slim Line binder comes with the gold label paper holder on the spine of the binder. This also makes the binder reusable for name changes or other things.
We will email you: Instructions, By-Laws or Operating Agreements. 10 PDF certificates template files. The State of incorporation will be embedded in the certificate PDF file. This line can not be changed. You have the ability to issue your certificate. Enter the name of organization, the share and par value amount and the class. Text clause area is designed for you to enter your own clause. Give it a try!

This combo includes:

  • Cover page.
  • Binder (black with closure slap).
  • 10 blanks certificates (Standard single class or LLC Units).
  • A set of entity tabs for you to organize your documents. (Depending on the type of formation).
  • A sheet of gold paper. To be use on the spine of the binder).
  • Email template or CD files (depending on your choice).
  • No Shares or Par Value for Units Certificates. If you are listing number of units you can do that in the clause area.

    ** We will send you an email with the files or in CD format, not both **
Price Schedule
Quantity Price
100+ Items $36.00
75-99 Items $36.50
50-75 Items $37.00
25-49 Items $38.50
10-24 Items $40.00
1-9 Items $42.00

Note: you must order at least 2 items

video How to put an embossing seal together and apart

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