Corpkit Legal Supplies | Do-It-Yourself Products | Corporate Focus Certificates

Corporate Focus Certificates

Corporate Focus Certificates
Our Corporate Focus® certificates follow the Goes® KG2 for Corporations and Goes® KG9 for Limited Liability Company certificates.
Following formats in Corporate Focus® certificates:
*Corporate - Goes® KG2 format.
*LLC (Units and Interest) Goes® KG9 format.
Printed on high quality 24lb paper, with copy protected feature. When photocopy it print COPY across the page.
Available in 6 different colors: green, blue, purple, brown, orange and red.


Corporate Focus® Standard Wording Certificates

Corporate Focus Standard Wording Certificates for Corporations.
Sold In Packages Of 100.
These genuine Copy Protected certificates come in the following colors: Green, Blue, Orange, Red  Brown and Purple.

Price Summary
Quantity (Pack of 100) Price (Per pack of 100)
5+ $52.95
4 $55.95
3 $57.95
1-2 $62.95


Corporate Focus® Interest Certificates With Standard Wording

Corporate Focus® Standard Wording Wording Interest Certificates.
Sold In Packages Of 100.
These genuine Copy Protected certificates come in the following colors: Green, Blue, Orange, Red, Brown and Purple .

Price Summary
Quantity (Pack of 100) Price (Per pack of 100)
5+ $52.95
4 $55.95
3 $57.95
1-2 $62.95


Corporate Focus® Units Certificates With Standard Wording

Corporate Focus® Standard Wording Units Certificates.
Sold In Packages Of 100.
These genuine Copy Protected certificates come in the following colors: Green, Blue, Orange, Red, Brown and Purple.

Price Summary
Quantity (Pack of 100) Price (Per pack of 100)
5+ $52.95
4 $55.95
3 $57.95
1-2 $62.95


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