Corpkit Legal Supplies | Corporate Kits | Corporate Corpkit 2" Binder Kit

Corporate Corpkit 2" Binder Kit

       Corporate Corpkit 2" Binder Kit
corporate kit 2 inches binder Trikit 2 inches ring Hot stamped text direction

The Corporate Corpkit 2" Extra Capacity Binders.

This 2" extra capacity binder with an approximate 3" spine features a great 3 "D" metal ring. A metal embossing seal with engraved entity name produces a very nice embossed seal of the company. This large capacity binder allows for more important paperwork and documents.
Stamped version which can be stamped one of three ways:
horizontal, vertical sideways or vertical straight.
Colors available: Black, Burgundy or Blue.

Corpkit Store Now Features: Pressure sensitive Custom Gold Die Cut Corporate Seals with all your incorporation information preprinted on it. What an impressive way to present and issue the corporate stock certificates to your clients!!.
 $8.95 per sheet of 20 seals

Order Form Instructions for your corporate kit
* When filling out this order form a "*" to the left of the option indicates Required Fields listed below in the corporate kit order form.
* Type Entity Name exactly as you wish it to appear on the Stock Certificates & Binder.
* Year always applies for your corporate kit, except for California and Hawaii which require Mo. Day, Yr.
* Signature Titles are listed in ranking order of the officers of the Corporation. The highest ranking officer is placed on the bottom right of the Stock Certificate, followed by bottom left, top right and top left.
Secretary            Treasurer
Vice President     President

*NEW Look for replacement parts in the Deletions section of the form. This is for customers who have previously ordered a corporate kit from CorpKit and have to replace Name or State Items that were ordered incorrectly.

* Click the link for "See Large Image" for sample of vertical sideways and vertical straight.
* All Entity names stamped vertically sideways or vertically straight must be in capital letters.

SKU Tri Kit 2 S  
Weight 6.50 lbs
Kit Color
Stamp on Binder
Seal Options
Email for E-Seal Only
Gold Wafer Seals
* Entity
* Entity Name
* State
* Year
* Color
* Class
* Total Authorized Shares
*Par Value
* Signer
* Signer
PDF Templates
* Ship to
From: $ 99.00

video How to put an embossing seal together and apart

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