Corpkit Legal Supplies | Electronic Products | Electronic Stock Certificates

Electronic Stock Certificates

Electronic Stock Certificates

Corpkit can e-mail you "within an hour"(estimated average turnaround time) the stock or membership certificates. If you have a color printer, you can print the borders, including the certificate backs and recording stubs. We recommend you use a laser printer as opposed to an ink-jet printer for quality of printing and longevity of the product. We also give the ability to issue the certificates to the investors, add the corporate or Limited liability seal to the certificates, or add electronic signature for a nominal up-charge. Give your certificates the "Big Board Look" for a great price!

Standard without additions
20 certificates with stubs and back files
Ability for you to issue your certificate on your computer screen , higher end seal file on the certificate and adding signatures to the certificates. Additional charges applies.

Disclaimer: The 2-hour processing time is limited to the Basic E-Corpkit and only during normal work hours:
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST. (Except closed holidays)
If the order is placed after 5:00PM, it will be processed next business day.

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